Our School


We, the Mission Sisters of Ajmer, at Sophia School, empowered by God’s spirit are eager to build a wholesome society in India by cultivating a healthy and tolerant attitude towards our neighbour, religion, culture and the environment.


Inspired by the teachings of Jesus, we commit ourselves to work for the upliftment of the underprivileged of our society especially for the Girl Child and to emancipate women in general, through education and service, thereby catering to their all-round development.


The School Emblem is in the shape of a shield and inscribed on it are the words of the school motto: (Arbhak Budhi Dai)-Seek Ye Wisdom.The radiant sun symbolizes the enlightenment that education brings to your young and eager minds dispelling the darkness of ignorance. Vachan - The Eternal word the Source of all wisdom.Wisdom leads to truth and the truth is God.Sophia in Greek implies Wisdom. Hence, our Motto: Seek Ye Wisdom.


The bells of dear SOPHIA sound their clarion call,
To Sophians when blazing the noon-day rays fall;
Life’s battle to face with courageous glad hearts,
And cherish the ideals which Sophia imparts.

The bells of dear Sophia O hark; they are calling,
The loved ones, the loyal ones, Sophians, one and all;
Come Seek Ye True Wisdom their echoes are pealing
Ring on, ring on, O Sophians hark to their sweet call.

The bells of dear Sophia at calm eventide,
Remind us of GOD, Who with us doth abide,
“O fear not, dear Sophians”, their echo now swells,
“GOD’s blessing is on you”, chime softly the bells.

The bells of dear Sophia O hark; they are calling,
The loved ones, the loyal ones, Sophians, one and all;
Come Seek Ye True Wisdom their echoes are pealing
Ring on, ring on, O Sophians hark to their sweet call.