
"The Lord will feed you with knowledge and understanding" (Jer 3:15)        ||        “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26        ||        “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6        ||        “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14


Jeevan Bima Nagar, Borivli (W), Mumbai - 400103

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Girl in a jacket
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    The school aims at creating a congenial, stimulating and conducive environment through which all children, regardless of social or ethnic backgrounds enjoy learning.

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    Students are helped to experience God’s presence through faith formation/ value education and are enabled to create a new society where people would accept each other as sisters and brothers under the common parenthood of God.

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    The school provides the students opportunities to achieve success and to develop literary, physical, aesthetic and musical talents.

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    Our academic standards are high and our values traditional.

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    We aim at providing security and stability to all children through a disciplined environment, based on consistency and fairness.

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    Self – discipline and a sense of responsibility are qualities we foster to provide a firm foundation for the years ahead. We seek to encourage in children an awareness of the need for courtesy and consideration for others.

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    The school has an unwritten code of behaviour and children are encouraged with praise and rewards for the same.

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    We believe that a constructive collaboration with parents is essential for the healthy development of the child’s potential so that the child may appreciate and value the qualities of the other children.

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    Unity in diversity: We inculcate in students the values of various religions and cultural pluralism.

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    We provide ‘Human Rights’ awareness to sensitize our students regarding their responsibilities in the society and the world.

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    ‘Environmental Education’ is another core discipline of our curriculum. Emulating the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron of Ecology, we inculcate in our students respect for life, nature and environment. We seek to make them crusaders of peace and harmony.

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    We imbibe in them the spirit of patriotism so that they grow up to become responsible citizens of the country.

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    We humbly believe in benchmarking to provide the best educational environment for the students.